Server Type: Aden
Promotion Duration: October 31 - November 14
Special Crafting: October 31 - November 14
Item Deletion: November 14

Embark on an epic journey with Lineage II Aden's triple-threat promotion, where three exciting offers await in the L2Coin Shop!

First up is the Luxury Mileage Promotion, featuring the Luxury Box that grants players a chance to score 2, 3, 5, or 10 Luxury Mileage Tickets, along with a mystery item. Throughout the promo, players can use these tickets to craft additional rewards, adding a layer of anticipation to their gaming experience.

Next, dive into Mammon's Fragment Promotion, where Subjugation Collection Exchange Tickets open the door to a treasure trove of items. Complete collections in-game to earn Mammon's Fragments, which can be wielded in Special Crafting to create powerful Einhasad Pendants. Players may also complete the promotional Aztakan's Treasure mission to receive more Mammon's Fragments or Einhasad Pendents when you kill 1000 monsters at the Temple of Aztakan

For those seeking character growth, the third promotion offers the Character Growth Package Exchange Coupons, providing access to special rewards like Ancient Adena and Growth Rune Fragments. Take advantage of multiple Special Crafting options using Seal of Giran as a material and watch your character evolve in this limited-time event. Don't miss out on the thrill of these three promotions all at once!

L2Coin Shop Details

Item Name L2Coin Limit Server
Mammon's Fragment (Time-limited) 2000 - All
Subjugation Collection Exchange Ticket (Time-limited) 1000 3 per account All
Character Growth Package Exchange Coupon (Time-limited) 8000 5 per account All
Luxury Mileage Box (Time-limited) 100 - Blackbird/Elcadia

Luxury Mileage Promotion (Blackbird & Elcadia)

Luxury Mileage Box Information

When opening the box, the player will receive 2, 3, 5 or 10 Luxury Mileage Tickets, and one of the items listed below:

Item Name Qnty
4 Star Spellbook Box - Imprint 1
Ice Lord's Weapon Box - Imprint 1
Armor of Protection Pack - Imprint 1
Talisman of Baium 1
Antharas' Earring 1
Frintezza's Necklace 1
Baium's Ring 1
Beleth's Ring 1
Zaken's Earring 1
Queen Ant's Ring 1
Orfen's Earring 1
Ring of Core 1
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessory 1
Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessory 1
Augment Stone Exchange Ticket 100-unit Pack (Time-limited) - Imprint 1
Dye Hardener 100-unit Pack - Imprint 1
Augment Stone Exchange Coupon (Time-limited) - Imprint 1
Hellbound Energy - Imprint 5
Venir's Talisman Piece 5
Elixir Powder - Imprint 1
Dye Hardener 1
Special HP Recovery Potion - Imprint 30
Consumables Exchange Coupon (Time-limited) - Imprint 1
Luxury Mileage Ticket Acquisition Information
Luxury Mileage Ticket (Time-limited) - Imprint 2
Luxury Mileage Ticket (Time-limited) - Imprint 3
Luxury Mileage Ticket (Time-limited) - Imprint 5
Luxury Mileage Ticket (Time-limited) - Imprint 10


4 Star Spellbook Box Details

When double-clicking the 4-star Spellbook Box obtained from the Luxury Box, the player may select to receive one of the following spellbooks:

Item Name
Spellbook - Jin Death Knight Transformation
Spellbook - Champion of Titan
Spellbook - War Roar
Spellbook - Touch of Pa’agrio
Spellbook - Team Building
Spellbook - Serenity
Spellbook - Expel
Spellbook - Dark Ruin
Spellbook - Meteor
Spellbook - Rolling Dice
Spellbook - Dragon Strike
Spellbook - Prime Maestro Transformation
Spellbook - Phoenix Shield
Spellbook - Hell
Spellbook - Shelter
Spellbook - Condemn
Spellbook - Critical Assault
Spellbook - Fury Blade
Spellbook - Deadly Piercing
Spellbook - Legendary Archer
Spellbook - Wild Evolution
Spellbook - Cat Emperor
Spellbook - Unicorn Guardian
Spellbook - Lord of Race
Spellbook - Contender
Spellbook - Giant Swing
Spellbook - Overwhelming Power
Spellbook - Leopold
Spellbook - Amadeus
Spellbook - Flamengo
Spellbook - Crusader Transformation
Spellbook - Time Warp


Consumables Exchange Coupon Details

When double-clicking the Consumables Exchange Coupon obtained from the Luxury Box, the player may select to receive the following consumables:

Item Name Qnty Coupons Needed
Boost Attack Scroll 5 1
Boost Defense Scroll 5 1
XP Boost Scroll 5 1
Sayha's Storm 5 1
Einhasad's Protection 2 1
Magic Lamp Acceleration Potion 1 10
Special HP Recovery Potion 50 1
Sayha's Blessing 10 1


Augment Stone Exchange Coupon Details

When double-clicking the Augment Stone Exchange Coupon obtained from the Luxury Box, the player may select to receive the following Augment Stones:

Item Name Count Coupons Needed
Weapon Augment Stone 1 1
Armor Augment Stone 2 1
Accessory Augment Stone 2 1
Special Equipment Augment Stone 1 2


Special Crafting - Luxury Mileage Ticket

During the promotional period, all player can use their Luxury Mileage Ticket to craft additional rewards:

Craft Result Craft Requirement
Craft  Item Name Qnty Rate Luxury Tickets Needed Limits
Craft 1 Lv. 6 Gem Exchange Ticket (Time-limited) 1 40.00% 242 no limits
Jewel Crafting Ticket 10 60.00%
Craft 2 Behemoth Doll Lv. 2 Pack 1 0.50% 65 no limits
Behemoth Doll Lv. 1 Pack 1 4.50%
Luxury Mileage Ticket (Time-limited) 6 95.00%
Craft 3 Glakias Doll Lv. 2 Pack 1 0.50% 65 no limits
Glakias Doll Lv. 1 Pack 1 4.50%
Luxury Mileage Ticket (Time-limited) 6 95.00%
Craft 4 +9 Talisman of Power Pack 1 0.30% 277 3 per server limit
+7 Talisman of Power Box 1 2.70%
Luxury Mileage Ticket (Time-limited) 27 97.00%
Craft 5 +9 Eva's Talisman Box 1 0.30% 237 3 per server limit
+7 Eva's Talisman Box 1 2.70%
Luxury Mileage Ticket (Time-limited) 23 97.00%
Craft 6 4-Star Spellbook Coupon 1 0.50% 130 3 per server limit
Einhasad's Protection 24 99.50%
Craft 7 +5 Berserker Sigil Pack 1 0.10% 182 no limits
+5 Berserker Sigil (Imprint) Pack 1 0.90%
Luxury Mileage Ticket (Time-limited) 18 99.00%
Craft 8 +5 Berserker Shield Pack 1 0.10% 182 no limits
+5 Berserker Shield (Imprint) Pack 1 0.90%
Luxury Mileage Ticket (Time-limited) 18 99.00%


Lv. 6 Gem Exchange Ticket Details

The Lv.6 Gem Exchange Ticket that can be obtained from the above Special Crafting can be double click so the player can select one of the following Lv.6 Gems:

Item name Qnty Coupons Needed
Beryl Lv6 Jewelry Box 1 5
Onyx Lv6 Jewelry Box 1 3
Spinel Lv6 Jewelry Box 1 3
Zircon Lv6 Jewelry Box 1 3
Coral Lv6 Jewelry Box 1 2
Opal Lv6 Jewelry Box 1 2
Amber Lv6 Jewelry Box 1 1
Moonstone Lv6 Jewelry Box 1 1


Guaranteed Special Crafting - Luxury Mileage Boxes

During the promotional period, all player can use their Luxury Mileage Boxes to craft additional rewards:

Craft Result Craft Requirement
Craft  Item Name Qnty Rate Luxury Boxes Needed Limits
Craft 1 Luxury Mileage Ticket (Time-limited) 5 100.00% 1 no limits
Craft 2 Lv. 6 Gem Exchange Ticket (Time-limited) 1 100.00% 594 no limits
Craft 3 1-Star Spellbook Coupon 1 100.00% 160 3 per account
Craft 4 2-Star Spellbook Coupon 1 100.00% 400 3 per account
Craft 5 3-Star Spellbook Coupon 1 100.00% 1,600 3 per account


Mammon's Fragment Promotion (All servers)

Subjugation Collection Exchange Ticket Information

Players who have acquired the Subjugation Collection Exchange Ticket can double click it to choose from the following options to receive all items within the selected option:

Option Option Name Subjugation Collection Exchange Ticket Needed Item Name Qnty
Option 1

Dragon Valley Punitive Unit I Expedition I Package (Time-limited)


1 Deadman's Dagger 1
Dragon Bone Blade 1
Aden Talisman +2 1
Option 2 Sel Mahum Garrison Punitive Team I Barracks Expedition I Package (Time-limited) 1 Berserker's Sword 1
Sel Mahum Sniper 1
Aden Talisman +3 1
Option 3 Subjugation Equipment Beginner Collector II Package Raid Gear Novice Collector II Package (Time-limited) 1 Butcher's Longsword +4 1
Sel Mahum Sniper +4 1
Sealed Angel's Hammer +4 1
Deadman's Dagger +4 1
Excuro's Staff +4 1

*All items are imprinted.


Event Collection Details

The items above may be used to complete their respective collections in-game. Upon completing each of the collections, a Mammon's Fragment will be rewarded to the player:

Collection Name Collection Reward Name Qnty
Dragon Valley Punitive Unit I Expedition I Package (Time-limited) Mammon's Fragment (Time-limited) 1
Sel Mahum Garrison Punitive Team I Barracks Expedition I Package (Time-limited) Mammon's Fragment (Time-limited) 1
Raid Gear Novice Collector II Package (Time-limited) Mammon's Fragment (Time-limited) 1

*Players who have already completed the above collections may also obtain the rewards through the Collection system UI.


Mammon's Fragment Details

Mammon's Fragments can be used in the event Special Crafting to craft rewards as listed below:

Craft Result Craft Requirement
Craft Item Name Qnty Rate Mammon's Fragments Required
Craft 1 Einhasad's Pendant Pack Lv. 4 - Imprint 1 100.00% 44
Einhasad's Pendant Pack Lv. 4 - Imprint 1 0.10% 1
Ancient Adena 100 99.90%


Additional Mammon's Fragments can be also crafted by using Einhasad Pendants as the material as listed below:

Craft Result Craft Requirement
Craft Item Name Qnty Rate Item Name
Craft 1 Mammon's Fragment (Time-limited) 1 100.00% Einhasad's Pendant Lv2
Craft 2 Mammon's Fragment (Time-limited) 3 100.00% Einhasad's Pendant Lv3


Mammon's Promotional Mission

During the promotional period, players may complete the following mission to receive additional rewards:

Mission Name Mission Details Limits ID Reward Name Qnty
Aztakan's Treasure You can receive a reward when you kill 1000 monsters at the Temple of Aztakan.
  • Can be completed one per day per account.
  • Players level 60+
99940 Aztacan's Treasure Chest (Time-limited) - Imprint 1


Aztacan's Treasure Chest Details

Once opened, the player will receive one of the following rewards:

Item Name Qnty
Mammon's Fragment (Time-limited) 44
Mammon's Fragment (Time-limited) 10
Mammon's Fragment (Time-limited) 2
Mammon's Fragment (Time-limited) 1
Einhasad's Pendant Pack Lv. 1 1

*All items are imprinted


Character Growth Promotion (All Servers)

Character Growth Package Exchange Coupon Details

Players who have acquired the Character Growth Package Exchange Coupons can double click it to choose from the following reward options:

Option Option Name Character Growth Package Exchange Coupon needed Reward Name Qnty
Option 1 Potential Enchant Package (Time-limited) 1 Potential Hardener 100
Ancient Adena 2,000
Option 2 Growth Rune Enchant Package (Time-limited) 1 Growth Rune Fragment 2,000
Ancient Adena 2,000
Option 3 Elixir Package (Time-limited) 1 Elixir Powder 30
Ancient Adena 2,000
Option 4 Special HP Potion Package (Time-limited) 1 Special HP Recovery Potion 100,000
Ancient Adena 2,000

*All items are imprinted


Special Crafting Promotion (All Servers)

Special Crafting - Seal of Giran

Multiple Special Crafting options will be available to all players during the promotional period. The Special Crafting uses Seal of Giran as a material:

Craft Result Craft Requirements
Craft Item Name Qty Rate Number of seals required Craft Limit Server
Craft 1 Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessory 1 10.00% 69 No limits Blackbird & Elcadia
Seal of Giran 7 90.00%
Craft 2 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessory 1 10.00% 138 No limits Blackbird & Elcadia
Seal of Giran 14 90.00%
Craft 3 Talisman of Baium Pack - Imprint 1 10.00% 51 No limits Blackbird & Elcadia
Seal of Giran 5 90.00%
Craft 4 High-grade Dye Hardener 50-unit Pack - Imprint 1 10.00% 135 No limits Blackbird & Elcadia
Seal of Giran 14 90.00%
Craft 5 Dye Hardener 100-unit Pack - Imprint 1 10.00% 40 No limits Blackbird & Elcadia
Seal of Giran 4 90.00%
Craft 6 Diamond Lv. 5 Jewelry Box - Imprint 1 1.00% 104 No limits Blackbird & Elcadia
Diamond Lv. 3 Jewelry Box - Imprint 1 39.00%
Diamond Lv. 1 Jewelry Box - Imprint 1 60.00%
Craft 7 Ruby Lv. 5 Jewelry Box - Imprint 1 1.00% 104 No limits Blackbird & Elcadia
Ruby Lv. 3 Jewelry Box - Imprint 1 39.00%
Ruby Lv. 1 Jewelry Box - Imprint 1 60.00%
Craft 8 Valakas Agathion Pack - Imprint 1 1.00% 965 2 per server Blackbird & Elcadia
Seal of Giran 25 99.00%
Craft 9 Gran Kain's Pendant Pack - Imprint 1 1.00% 965 2 per server Blackbird & Elcadia
Seal of Giran 25 99.00%
Craft 10 Talisman of Baium Pack - Imprint 1 1.00% 69 3 per server Guardian
Seal of Giran 7 99.00%
Craft 11 Frintezza's Necklace Pack - Imprint 1 1.00% 55 5 per server Guardian
Seal of Giran 5 99.00%
Craft 12 Baium's Ring Pack - Imprint 1 1.00% 41 5 per server Guardian
Seal of Giran 4 99.00%
Craft 13 Zaken's Earring Pack - Imprint 1 1.00% 28 5 per server Guardian
Seal of Giran 3 99.00%
Craft 14 Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessory 1 1.00% 28 20 per server Guardian
Seal of Giran 3 99.00%
Craft 15 Diamond Lv. 5 Jewelry Box - Imprint 1 1.00% 104 No limits Guardian
Diamond Lv. 3 Jewelry Box - Imprint 1 39.00%
Diamond Lv. 1 Jewelry Box - Imprint 1 60.00%
Craft 16 Ruby Lv. 5 Jewelry Box - Imprint 1 1.00% 104 No limits Guardian
Ruby Lv. 3 Jewelry Box - Imprint 1 39.00%
Ruby Lv. 1 Jewelry Box - Imprint 1 60.00%


Item Removal 11/14/2023

The following items will be removed during the maintenance on Tuesday, November 14.

Item Name
Mammon's Fragment (Time-limited)
Subjugation Collection Exchange Ticket (Time-limited)
Dragon Valley Expedition I Package (Time-limited)
Sel Mahum Barracks Expedition I Package (Time-limited)
Character Growth Package Exchange Coupon (Time-limited)
Potential Enchant Package (Time-limited)
Growth Rune Enchant Package (Time-limited)
Elixir Package (Time-limited)
Special HP Potion Package (Time-limited)
Luxury Mileage Ticket (Time-limited)
Luxury Mileage Box (Time-limited)
Augment Stone Exchange Coupon (Time-limited)
Augment Stone Exchange Ticket 100-unit Pack (Time-limited)
Consumables Exchange Coupon (Time-limited)
Lv. 6 Gem Exchange Ticket (Time-limited)