Promotion Duration: October 3 - October 17
Special Crafting Duration: October 3 - October 17
Item Removal 1: October 17
Item Removal 2: November 7

So bright! So pretty! Lineage II Aden players are getting the Shiny Jewelry Promotion which allows them to use Jewel Crafting Tickets, Sayha's Grace Maintaining Potions, and Seals of Giran for Special Crafting items! Let's get crafty!

L2Coin Shop Update

Item Name L2Coin Price Limit Availability

Shining Jewel Bundle (Time-limited)


No Purchase Limit

From the maintenance on 10/03

to the maintenance on 10/17

Jewelry Crafting Ticket 500-unit Pack


Once per account

From the maintenance on 10/03

to the maintenance on 10/17

Shining Jewel Bundle Contents

When opening the chest, the player will receive a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 5 Jewel Crafting Tickets, and one of the items listed below:

Item Name Qnty
4-Star Spellbook Coupon - Imprint 1
Ice Lord's Weapon Exchange Ticket - Imprint 1
Protection Armor Exchange Coupon - Imprint 1
Boss Weapon Exchange Ticket - Imprint 1
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessory 1
Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessory 1
Jewelry Crafting Ticket 500-unit Pack - Imprint 1
Jewelry Crafting Ticket 1000-unit Pack - Imprint 1
Seal of Giran 500-unit Pack - Imprint 1
Seal of Giran 1000-unit Pack - Imprint 1
Lv. 6 Gem Exchange Ticket (Time-limited) - Imprint 1
Transcendent Enhancement Stone - Imprint 1
Elixir Powder - Imprint 1
Dye Hardener 1
Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Rare 1
Brooch Lv. 3 Pack - Imprint 1
Diamond Lv. 1 Jewelry Box 1
Ruby Lv. 1 Jewelry Box 1
Seal of Giran 10
Seal of Giran 5
Seal of Giran 2
Seal of Giran 1
Sayha's Grace Maintaining Potion - Imprint 3
Guaranteed Reward Information (One of the items below)
Jewel Crafting Ticket - Imprint 5
Jewel Crafting Ticket - Imprint 4
Jewel Crafting Ticket - Imprint 3
Jewel Crafting Ticket - Imprint 2

Special Crafting - Jewel Crafting Tickets

From 10/03 to 10/17, a Special Crafting will be available to all players. This Special Crafting uses Jewel Crafting Tickets as the material:

Craft Result Craft Requirements
Craft Item Name Qnty Rate Number of tickets required Limits Availability (Maintenance to Maintenance)

Craft 1
Lv. 6 Gem Exchange Ticket (Time-limited) 1 7%

No Limits

10/03 - 10/17

Blackbird, Elcadia and Guardian

Jewel Crafting Ticket 5 93%

Craft 2
Diamond Lv. 5 Jewelry Box 1 1%

No Limits

10/03 - 10/17

Blackbird, Elcadia and Guardian

Diamond Lv. 3 Jewelry Box 1 39%
Diamond Lv. 1 Jewelry Box 1 60%

Craft 3
Ruby Lv. 5 Jewelry Box 1 1%


No Limits

10/03 - 10/17

Blackbird, Elcadia and Guardian

Ruby Lv. 3 Jewelry Box 1 39%
Ruby Lv. 1 Jewelry Box 1 60%

Craft 4

Transcendent Enhancement Stone
1 100%

No Limits

10/03 - 10/17

Blackbird, Elcadia and Guardian

*All items are imprinted

Special Crafting - Sayha's Grace Maintaining Potion

From 10/03 to 10/17, a Special Crafting will be available to all players. This Special Crafting uses Sayha's Grace Maintaining Potions as the material:

Craft Result Craft Requirements
Craft Item Name Qnty Rate Number of potions required Limits Availability (Maintenance to Maintenance)

Craft 1

Sayha's Rune (Time-limited) - Imprint




1 per account

10/03 - 10/17

Blackbird, Elcadia and Guardian

Craft 2

Seal of Giran




No Limits

10/03 - 10/17

Blackbird, Elcadia and Guardian

Special Crafting - Seal of Giran

From 10/03 to 10/17, a Special Crafting will be available to all players. This Special Crafting uses Seals of Giran as the material:

Craft Item Name Qnty Rate Number of Seals required Limits Availability (Maintenance to Maintenance)

Craft 1
Boss Weapon Exchange Ticket 1 3%


No Limit

10/03 - 10/17

Guardian Only

Seal of Giran 10 97%

Craft 2
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-grade) 1 35%

No Limit

10/03 - 10/17

Guardian Only

Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-grade) 1 65%

Craft 3
Cursed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-grade) 1 35%

No Limit

10/03 - 10/17

Guardian Only

Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-grade) 1 65%

Craft 4
Heavenly Cloak Pack 1 0.1%

1 per server per day

10/03 - 10/17

Blackbird & Elcadia only

Cloak of Protection Pack 5 99.9%

Craft 5
Valakas Agathion Pack 1 0.1%

1 per server per day

10/03 - 10/17

Blackbird & Elcadia only

Dragon Egg Agathion Pack 2 99.9%

Craft 6
Gran Kain's Pendant Pack 1 0.1%

1 per server per day

10/03 - 10/17

Blackbird & Elcadia only

Einhasad's Pendant Pack Lv. 1 2 99.9%

Craft 7
Einhasad's Pendant Pack Lv. 4 1 1%

10 per server per day

10/03 - 10/17

Blackbird & Elcadia only

Einhasad's Pendant Pack Lv. 1 1 99%

Craft 8
+9 Cloak of Protection Pack 1 1%

5 per server per day

10/03 - 10/17

Blackbird & Elcadia only

Cloak of Protection Pack 1 99%
Craft 9 +9 Dragon Egg Agathion Pack 1 1% 83 5 per server per day

10/03 - 10/17

Blackbird & Elcadia only

Dragon Egg Agathion Pack 2 99%

Item Removal - 10/17/2023 

The following items will be removed during the maintenance on Tuesday, October 17:

Item Name
Lv. 6 Gem Exchange Ticket (Time-limited)
Shining Jewel Bundle (Time-limited)

Item Removal - 11/07/2023 

The following items will be removed during the maintenance on Tuesday, November 7:

Item Name
Sayha's Rune (Time-limited)
Sayha's Grace Maintaining Potion (Time-limited)