Game Types: Live, Aden, and Classic
Event Duration:
December 21, 2023 - January 5, 2024
Photo Deadline: January 5, 2024 @ 11:45PM PST | See your time here:
Winner Revealed: January 10, 2024

Throughout the year we have hosted many fun screenshot contests to get our Discord server started. We have many plans for new events in 2024 that will take us away from screenshots, but we wanted to end the year with one final collective event where all game types and servers can participate at the same time!

Holiday cheer is being spread throughout Aden through festive events and seasonal cosmetics! Throughout all servers, players will have the chance to participate in holiday events and interact with various famous holiday characters. Your final screenshot mission of the year is to capture the holiday spirit the best you can through a joyously composed in-game photo. Strike a pose with in-game friends, travel solo to festive landscape, or create something entirely unique. The creative possibilities are up for you to decide. Your only mission is to take the best Holiday photo possible and submit your merry masterpieces to Discord for a chance to sleigh the competition and win epic prizes!

Each game type will have its own competition and set of rewards. That's one competition each for Live, Aden, and Classic. If you are one of these winners you will bring home the rewards found below and gain yourself a new special Discord role on our server to show off your photography skills!  

Join our newly launched Discord here where we have been making many updates:

The photos will be judged by our Lineage II team + NCA staff and winners will be released on Wednesday, January 10th!


Lineage II Live

1st Place

Item Name Qnty
Golden Bead (Event)
Dimensional Historical Tome 500 
Beora's Ancient Vitality Tonic 1,000 
Spirit Ore 100,000 
Soulstone 100,000 
Emperor’s Special Cocktail (Event) 200 
Honey Dark Beer (Event) 200 
Shining Dragon Elemental Potion Tonic (XP) (Event) 200 
Shining Nevit’s Gold Hourglass 200 

2nd Place

Item Name Qnty
Golden Bead (Event) 1
Dimensional Historical Tome 300
Beora's Ancient Vitality Tonic 1,000
Spirit Ore 100,000
Soulstone 100,000
Emperor’s Special Cocktail (Event) 100
Honey Dark Beer (Event) 100
Shining Dragon Elemental Potion Tonic (XP) (Event) 100
Shining Nevit’s Gold Hourglass 100

3rd Place

Item Name Qnty
Golden Bead (Event)
Dimensional Historical Tome 100
Beora's Ancient Vitality Tonic 1,000 
Spirit Ore 100,000 
Soulstone 100,000 
Emperor’s Special Cocktail (Event) 50 
Honey Dark Beer (Event) 50 
Shining Dragon Elemental Potion Tonic (XP) (Event) 50 
Shining Nevit’s Gold Hourglass 50 


Lineage II Aden

1st Place

Item Name Qnty 
Ice Lord’s Weapon Box 1
Grace Cookie 10,000

2nd Place

Item Name Qnty 
Boss Weapon Pack 1
Grace Cookie 10,000

3rd Place

Item Name Qnty 
Potential Hardener 500
Grace Cookie 10,000


Lineage II Classic

1st Place

Item Name


Andreas Van Halter Doll Lv. 1


Einhasad's Protection


XP Boost Scroll


Shining Scroll of Mood Melody


Golden Fruit Buff Lv. 3


Dragon's Special Elixir Lv. 3


Spirit Ore


Soulshot Ticket


2nd Place

Item Name


Behemoth Doll Lv. 1


Einhasad's Protection


XP Boost Scroll


Shining Scroll of Mood Melody


Golden Fruit Buff Lv. 3


Dragon's Special Elixir Lv. 3


Spirit Ore


Soulshot Ticket


3rd Place

Item Name


Glakias Doll Lv. 1


Einhasad's Protection


XP Boost Scroll


Shining Scroll of Mood Melody


Golden Fruit Buff Lv. 3


Dragon's Special Elixir Lv. 3


Spirit Ore


Soulshot Ticket




  • The photo must be taken during the Contest duration. Do not post old photos. This makes it so everyone has a fair chance to submit a photo with what is currently available in Lineage II.
  • Using image editing software to retouch, add filters, excessive color enhancements, or any other manipulation is not allowed. However, you may adjust the cropping, brightness, and contrast of your photos.

  • Do not post your photo in the Discord channel as a .bmp file, because it will not show. Tips on how to convert the photo are below.

  • Only one submission per person


How To Participate

1. Starting December 21, 2023 take a Holiday styled photo using the in-game screenshot command (Print Screen button) or any screengrab program to take a picture.

2. Use your creativity to make the picture stand out! Photography tips below.

3. The in-game screenshot tool takes .bmp photos. Convert your photo to a .png or .jpg to post it on the Discord channel. You can use this tool here or any image editor of your choosing:

4. Join our Discord here:

5. Post your photo in the #live-holiday-contest, #aden-holiday-contest, or #classic-holiday-contest channel in the CREATIVE Category. If it is not showing up in your channel list, please click on "Channels & Roles" and then "Browse Channels" to find and enable the CREATIVE category.

6. When you post your photo, please also type in your character's name and which server you are on. This will be the character that is awarded the items if you win.

6. Each person may only submit one photo during this contest. If you have characters on many game type servers, please choose only one contest to submit to. Do not double up and submit the photos to each contest. Choose a game type and submit to one only. If you've submitted your first photo and have decided later during the event that you'd like to replace it, simply delete the old photo and upload the new one to the same channel.

7. On Wednesday, January 10th, the Top 3 photos from Live, Aden, and Classic will be announced. The Community Manager, Rownen, will direct message you a code to redeem the items once the winners have been decided. 

8. Have Fun!

Photography Tips

  • Remove all the game interface by pressing Alt + H to unclutter the frame
  • You can also remove your name or other players' names if you wish by going to the game's Options/Screen/Display and uncheck the boxes you wish to remove, including Player and Clan names.
  • To take a screenshot using the in game tool, the default button is Print Screen on your keyboard. After, pictures will save in: C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSOFT\Lineage2\Screenshot. It is also possible that your default directory may be: C:\Program Files\NCSOFT\Lineage2\Screenshot
  • Go to your game options to remove other character names from the screen, unless you specifically want to see names in your photo
  • Use creative composition with the in-game camera! Be creative! Use it any way you'd like. It can be a selfie or your player doesn't even have to be in the picture. The only rule is that your photo is Holiday related.
  • Items, toons, other players, weapons, and more can all be used to add creativity to your photo. Again, the only rule is that it is Holiday related.
  • Be creative with your camera angles.
  • Try raising your graphics to high to enhance the photo.
  • If you like a blurry background or depth of field, you can navigate to Video/Advanced Settings/_Show Detailed Settings and click on "Use Out Focusing Effects".

Good luck players and we can't wait to see what you all come up with!